Thursday, February 4, 2010


Once in a while, when both of my neurons fire in unison, I have an epiphany.

 I and most people believe that we live in democratic societies. My realisation is that we don't. We abide under the illusion that we can choose political entities that reflect our desires and methodology. We don't of course; this is what out corporate masters want us to believe.

There is, in fact very little difference between "Conservative" and "Liberal" policies. These days most politicians are not free to decide policy but are pressured by lobby megaliths to do the bidding of corporations.

In practice the main difference, slight as it is, is the way in which the two sides bow to their masters.

The Left will introduce strong legislation that is purported to improve the lot of the working classes while limiting the power of the employers. This is the signal for the lobby groups to lean on legislators and a complaisant media to reduce the scope and strength of the legislation.

The Left always reluctantly complies.

The Right on the other hand, writes up legislation that purports to increase democracy, promote the creation of wealth - via the "trickle down" method - and crack down on criminal behaviour.

The Left always reluctantly complies.

Free will is dead. Democracy is moribund and being replaced by a new Fascism, an oligarchic monstrosity of "government of the people, for the corporations, by the corporations" ... and their elected lapdogs

I for one do not welcome our inhuman overlords.

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